Trustrength Performance & Rehab

Sydney Heuvelman

Sydney Heuvelman

Personal Trainer

Client Experience Specialist

Clinic Manager

Growing up, Sydney was very active and involved in various sports. She always had an interest in how the body operated, but couldn’t quite place what it was that interested her, specifically. By studying Human

Performance and Sport at Metropolitan State University, she found a love for fitness through her education of Exercise Sciences and Nutrition. Being a former tri-sport athlete, a college graduate, and veteran exercise specialist, she understands the importance of educating people of all ages in the field of health and wellness – it has become her passion. In order to make that mark, Sydney does private personal training, runs summer sports programs for youth athletes, coordinates an internship program for undergraduate college students, and is in charge of client experience and office management here at TruStrength Performance and Rehab.

Sydney started as a patient of TruStrength with a low back injury 5 years ago and started working with Dr. Harmon. He became her greatest mentor while teaching her how to be strong through rehab and inspiring her to understand the capabilities of the human body. Through all her experiences, she has loved to work with a range of clients while constantly challenging herself to learn and teach others. As a NASM certified personal trainer and a corrective exercise specialist with 4+ years of training experience, she strives to understand all training styles to deliver the best knowledge to every client and keep spreading wellness to everyone.

​Sydney will be able to help all your questions or needs. Reach out to